The Turnaround of Pineapple Farmers of Small Farms-400 Million Annual Revenue from China and Japan
Gaoshu Initiates Pineapple Export Early Because of Warm Winter Effect
Gilt Pineapple and Taiwan's Grand Occasion of Pineapple Export
Chih-Wei Kuo, the Person Cultivates Happiness
Selling Pineapples from Suitcases to Export
Special Farming Team of Youths Aims for Number One Pineapple Export
The Taste of Taiwan's Pineapple
Gaoshu Farmers Develops Dry Pineapple to Extend the Pineapple Market
Annual Sales of 850 Tons Gaoshu Pineapple to China and Japan
Prince of Pineapples and Unity--the Story of How Small Farmers become A Big Farmer